Jarmuschek + Partner has been representing contemporary artists since 2004 and shows their works in Berlin, at external exhibition projects and at international art fairs. Many of the works presented move in a tension field between figurative-representational and abstraction, the focus is also on painting and the medium of paper. In addition to the long-standing collaboration with the artists of the gallery, also young positions are discovered and promoted. The communication of artistic content and the intensive exchange with collectors, curators and a broad interested public are particularly important to the team.

After initial locations in Sophienstraße in Mitte (until 2008) and the Halle am Wasser behind the Hamburger Bahnhof, Jarmuschek + Partner has been located since 2013 in the Mercator-Höfe at Potsdamer Straße, the former site of the Tagesspiegel newspaper, known for its numerous galleries and designers. Art already has a long tradition in the villa built by the painter Anton von Werner in the center of the area: In the gallery's current exhibition space, the then university director and chairman of the Berlin Artists' Association worked on his large-format history paintings in the second half of the 19th century.

The team of Jarmuschek + Partner gallery is also part of the organizing office of POSITIONS Berlin GmbH, which realizes art fairs at locations such as Berlin, Munich or Basel with the brands POSITIONS and paper positions. In addition to numerous smaller projects, gallery owner Kristian Jarmuschek is also the owner and managing director of this art fair company, and since 2013 has been chairman of the board of the Bundesverband Deutscher Galerien und Kunsthändler e.V. (Federal Association of German Galleries and Art Dealers / BVDG).

Your contact:
Kristian Jarmuschek | Galerist
Ines Wittneben | Director


Discover us also here:
Instagram: @jarmuschekpartner
Facebook: @jarmuschek.gallery
LinkedIn: Jarmuschek+Partner
